Leighton Linslade Cancer Support Group

Lunch on The River

Booking lunch on a boat on the river has become a regular annual feature on The Group’s calendar. A tranquil afternoon cruising through the Bedfordshire countryside, good company, a sunny afternoon, a pleasant afternoon and a glass of fine wine.

In 2019 unfortunately, the river was running so low that the boat could not float away from the dock. But we were able to have the meal on the beached non-transport.

2020 and 2021 the dreaded covid19 virus struck and all plans had to be abandoned, shipwrecked and locked down.

But have no fears! 2022 was the new beginning. The sun was shining, covid in retreat and we were determined to enjoy our traditional floating meal, until…

Message from the boat company: Key members of the crew had been hit by sickness and the boat was once more confined to the docks. The coached had been booked, tickets distributed, appetites whetted. Tradition must be upheld! Thanks to John, who transferred the booking to The Beefeater Restaurant, the day was saved and we all had an extremely pleasant land locked lunch together, moving to the gardens to extend the merriment and, of course, hold the raffle.

But last year, 2023, we cracked it! Our boat trip took place on the Grand Union Canal, this time from a base at Hemel Hempstead – the boat actually moved and an enjoyable three hour trip ensued.

So based on that success, our 2024 trip is booked for August, see Forthcoming Events for details.