Programme TBC
Our leisurely outside activities consist of a number of mini-treats involving half a dozen or so group members visiting a restaurant, coffee shop, garden centre, a pub or anywhere of interest in the local area suggested by a group member and which is approved by the committee.
Any location or activity is valid, for example: visits to a bowling alley, church, museum or scenic gardens, etc.
Our fund raising efforts include holding two Fayres a year, in 2024 the dates are yet to be fixed but the first will be held during the Summer months and the second event
in the Autumn/Winter period.
Last year our annual Summer Outing boat trip took place on the Grand Union Canal in July and was a huge success – based on this, our 2024 trip is booked for 16 th August and
will be a boat trip along the River Ouse at Bedford.
The trip will be the first of the two major events in our calendar – it is free to members although everyone who attends is invited to bring along one friend or family member at cost.
The second event will be our 2024 Christmas Lunch which will be held as normal at the Tilsworth Golf & Conference Centre, date to be fixed. This is is the only event where the group fully funds the attendance of all members as well as one friend or family member.